The Backyard of Kalamazoo, located at 10441 Stadium Drive, Kalamazoo was started by a married couple who grew up in Kalamazoo and wanted to add a new place for the family to get together, have some fun, enjoy some food, and have a great time on their 7-acre property. Sadly, Texas Township may be putting a stop to all of that, according to Backyard.

Texas Township of Kalamazoo reached out to the owners and instructed them that they're required to submit a "Special Exception Use" to become an event center to host events. Events are the only thing keeping Backyard of Kalamazoo afloat right now, according to a post they made, pleading for help:

Without this approval, we will not be able to keep our doors open. There is a public hearing taking place at the Texas Charter Township Hall (7227 West Q Ave, Kalamazoo) at 6pm next Tuesday, February 20th. We are asking for you to come in support of keeping us open and approving our request to become an event center. As part of this approval we are not asking to stay open any later or be any louder than what we already have approval for. If you are not able to make it in-person, the township will take written comments up to February 20th.

What Will Backyard of Kalamazoo Do?

Many people have suggested they reach out to the owners of Soil Friends, who have had their struggles with their local township, for some guidance. Luckily, the community is rallying behind them in the hopes they can continue to do business.

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Gallery Credit: Yelp