ALERT: Expect To See More Ticks In Ohio This Season
Unfortunately, tick season is already underway.
Just as the warm weather has started to settle in and we're ready to venture back into the great outdoors, experts are urging everyone from hiking enthusiasts to dog walkers to families with pets and small children to exercise caution when spending time outside this season.
According to the experts at Ohio State you can actually encounter a tick during any season in Ohio, spring only marks the beginning of the heavy season.
In years previous we've seen a steady increase in tick population statewide and I'm sure 2024 will be no different. In an interview Tim McDermott, an Ohio State University Extension educator in Ag Sciences warns,
Ticks expand when their habitat range expands due to global climate change...So now, every year going forward has the potential to be bad, and you should go into each tick season thinking about how you can keep you and your family tick-safe
Which Diseases Do Ticks Carry?
While anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever are all possible threats from ticks the most common disease associated with them is Lyme disease.
In fact, the longer the tick stays attached the greater the risk of transmission. Signs of untreated Lyme disease include:
- Fever
- Chills
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Muscle and joint aches
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Erythema migrans (EM) rash which appears in 70-80% of infected persons
- Heart palpitations
- Facial paralysis
How to Stay Tick Aware
To prevent tick bites and potential infections experts offer the following advice:
- Keep your yard well-maintained to prevent known hosts like mice bringing ticks into your yard
- Wear light-colored clothes and long sleeves to minimize skin expsoure
- Apply a tick repellent such as DEET products or permethrin-- as directed
- Keep pets close by using a leash and preventative flea and tick treatments
- Do frequent inspections for ticks on your body
Plants That Ward off Fleas and Ticks
The 5 Most Common Ticks You'll See in Michigan & Diseases They Carry
Gallery Credit: Youtube, Michigan.gov